“Affirmations rewire your thinking patterns, replacing self-limiting beliefs with empowering ones.

As you immerse yourself in the positive statements I provide, you're rewiring your subconscious to align with the life you truly desire.

Added bonus of listening with the background music tuned to the 528Mz will create powerful miracles in your life.”


222 Affirmations for 11 areas in life — over 2,400 total

Positive Affirmations is a powerful book that offers a wealth of positive affirmations to uplift every aspect of your life.

From love and career to confidence and abundance, this transformative guidebook empowers you to tap into your inner strength and manifest your dreams.

With heartfelt words and practical insights, it serves as a radiant companion on your journey to personal growth and fulfillment.


I'm absolutely thrilled to announce that my empowering affirmations are available for purchase. They are designed to uplift and inspire you every single day. These amazing MP3s are created to supercharge your positive mindset, boost your confidence, and help you live your absolute best life.

Let me tell you, affirmations are seriously life-changing! They're perfect for anyone who wants to kick self-doubt and negative self-talk to the curb, build up their self-confidence and self-esteem, achieve their wildest goals and dreams, attract abundance and success, and cultivate an all-around positive and empowering mindset. I mean, who wouldn't want that, right?

Now, here's the best part. These MP3s feature affirmations straight from my POSITIVE AFFIRMATION book that's available for purchase and download on We're talking a treasure trove of 222 affirmations on each recording! It's like having your own personal cheerleader giving you a pep talk whenever you need it.

I am totally committed to providing you with the highest quality affirmations that will truly make a difference in your life. These MP3s are super easy to use and can be enjoyed wherever you are – at home, in the car, or on the go. You'll have the power to transform your life simply by hitting that play button. How awesome is that? Plus, my voice has the power of a 528Mz background music which can create miracles in your life. Enjoy!

THE POWER OF 528MZ background

The 528Hz frequency, also known as the "Love Frequency" or the "Miracle Tone," has garnered attention for its purported healing and empowering properties. At this specific frequency, sound vibrations resonate deeply with the heart and soul, promoting a sense of harmony, balance, and well-being. Many proponents of sound healing believe that exposure to 528Hz can facilitate cellular repair, enhance DNA replication, and promote overall health at the molecular level.

At its core, the 528Hz vibration is said to resonate with the frequency of love and compassion, making it a powerful tool for fostering emotional healing and spiritual growth. By immersing oneself in the soothing sounds of this frequency, individuals may experience a profound sense of inner peace, connection, and unity with the universe. Moreover, some practitioners suggest that the 528Hz vibration can help release negative emotions, heal past traumas, and cultivate a deep sense of self-love and acceptance.

In addition to its healing properties, the 528Hz frequency is also believed to have empowering effects on the mind and spirit. By attuning oneself to this vibration, individuals may experience heightened creativity, intuition, and spiritual awareness. The gentle yet potent energy of 528Hz serves as a reminder of our inherent connection to the universe and the infinite possibilities that lie within us. As we align ourselves with this empowering frequency, we awaken to our true potential and embark on a journey of self-discovery, transformation, and enlightenment.


Oh, and guess what? When you purchase these recorded affirmations, you'll also get a FREE subliminal recording with the same 222 affirmations. These little gems work like magic while you sleep or meditate, reinforcing your subconscious mind to attract all the positive things you absolutely deserve. Imagine waking up each day with a renewed sense of purpose, positivity, and limitless potential. It all starts with the power of your mind, and these affirmations and subliminal recordings are the ultimate tools to harness that power.


This collection of affirmations will awaken your heart, radiate love, and ignite the passion within you. Whether you're seeking to attract your soulmate, deepen your current relationship, or cultivate self-love, these affirmations are the key to unlocking the infinite power of love. Let love lead the way and watch as miracles unfold in your romantic journey.


This recording is designed to work its magic while you peacefully slumber, effortlessly rewiring your subconscious mind for boundless love and harmonious relationships. Awaken each morning feeling a profound sense of love and connection, ready to embrace the beauty of love in all its forms. Transform your sleep into a gateway of love and watch your heart radiate with joy.


The ultimate remedy for those seeking relief from anxiety. These affirmations are specifically designed to soothe your mind, restore balance, and bring about a deep sense of tranquility. With each affirmation, you'll experience a newfound strength to overcome anxious thoughts and embrace a life filled with serenity and joy.

BONUS:anxietY subliminal

Tired of anxiety holding you back? Let empowering affirmations work their magic on your subconscious while you sleep, replacing anxiety with calm and confidence. Feel the weight of worry melt away as you embrace a life of inner peace and renewed self-assurance. Don't let anxiety control you—unleash the power of subliminal messaging and reclaim your tranquility today!


This collection of affirmations are designed to bring love and harmony into your relationships. With these powerful affirmations, you'll nourish the bonds you share, strengthen communication, and infuse your partnership with renewed passion and connection. Say goodbye to misunderstandings and welcome a new era of love and fulfillment.


While you peacefully slumber, these powerful affirmations will work their magic on your subconscious mind, fostering love, harmony, and connection in your relationships. Wake up feeling refreshed and radiating positive energy, ready to create the fulfilling and loving partnership you desire. Transform your sleep, transform your relationships.

222 confidence & success affirmations

These powerful words will shatter self-doubt, boost your self-esteem, and propel you towards greatness. With each affirmation, you'll cultivate a winning mindset, attract abundant opportunities, and radiate unwavering self-belief. Embrace the journey of becoming the best version of yourself and unlock a world of limitless possibilities. Get ready to soar with confidence and achieve the success you deserve!

bonus: confidence & success subliminal

As you listen to this powerful subliminal recording, hidden positive affirmations are seamlessly embedded within the audio, speaking directly to your subconscious mind. These affirmations work to dissolve self-limiting beliefs, boost self-esteem, and cultivate a mindset of success. You'll effortlessly develop the confidence to overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and achieve your goals.

222 happiness affirmations

These carefully crafted affirmations is designed to uplift your spirit, banish negativity, and invite happiness to dance its way into every aspect of your life. Whether you're seeking to enhance your overall well-being, boost your mood, or cultivate a positive mindset, these recorded affirmations have got you covered.


The positive affirmations are embedded within the soothing background music, to rewire your thought patterns, eliminate limiting beliefs, and cultivate a deep sense of happiness from within. Let the subliminal messages uplift your spirit, enhance your overall well-being, and attract abundant happiness into every facet of your life.

222 healing affirmations

By harnessing the innate power of your mind and directing it towards healing, you can cultivate a state of balance, harmony, and well-being. Whether you seek physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, these affirmations will serve as a guiding light, reminding you of your own resilience and capacity to heal. Embrace the transformative potential of healing affirmations and embark on a path of holistic well-being today.

bonus: healing subliminal

Are you ready to work directly with your subconscious to promote deep healing and inner balance? From physical ailments to emotional wounds, this subliminal gently guides you toward wholeness, helping you release past traumas and embrace a future filled with vibrant health and well-being. Embrace the healing journey and discover the profound impact of subliminal healing on your mind, body, and soul.

222 money affirmations

Harnessing the power of positive affirmations, this transformative product empowers you to cultivate a wealth mindset, overcome financial limitations, and attract abundant riches into your life. Get ready to rewrite your money story and unlock the path to financial freedom. Say goodbye to scarcity and welcome a life of abundance!

bonus: money subliminal

Immerse yourself in the power of subconscious programming as hidden affirmations effortlessly rewire your mind for prosperity and abundance. Watch your financial dreams become a reality as you effortlessly attract wealth, success, and limitless opportunities. Get ready to manifest money miracles with this life-changing subliminal experience.

222 self esteem affirmations

This powerful tool is your secret weapon for cultivating self-love, embracing your uniqueness, and stepping into your power. It's packed with an array of affirmations carefully crafted to target the very core of your being, amplifying your strengths and nurturing a deep sense of self-worth. It's time to shed those self-doubts and embrace the incredible person you are.

bonus: self esteem subliminal

These affirmations are carefully designed to rewire your thinking patterns, replacing self-doubt with unwavering self-confidence. Simply listen to these empowering subliminal affirmations while you go about your day, and let the positive messages seep into your subconscious. Watch as your self-esteem skyrockets, and you radiate confidence in every aspect of your life.

222 health affirmations

These powerful statements will fuel your motivation, reinforce positive habits, and support your journey to optimal health. Discover the incredible potential of your mind as you listen to these affirmations. Feel your energy levels rise, make mindful choices, and create a harmonious balance in your body and mind. From boosting your immune system to nourishing your body with wholesome foods, these affirmations will guide you every step of the way.


Designed to tap into the incredible potential of your subconscious mind, these affirmations will revolutionize your approach to health and well-being. Simply listen to these subliminal affirmations as you go to sleep at night, and watch as positive changes unfold within you. Boost your immune system, embrace healthy habits, and radiate vitality from the inside out.

222 sleep affirmations

This transformative collection of sleep affirmations is carefully crafted to guide your mind into a state of relaxation, helping you overcome insomnia and enjoy rejuvenating rest. Each gentle affirmation lulls you into tranquility, releasing stress, quieting racing thoughts, and creating the perfect environment for a peaceful slumber. Sweet dreams await you!


Each night, as you surrender to the soothing sounds and subliminal messages, you'll effortlessly drift into a state of profound relaxation. Tensions melt away, your breathing becomes deep and calm, and you effortlessly slip into the blissful embrace of sleep. As you awaken each morning, you'll find yourself refreshed, revitalized, and ready to embrace the new day with renewed energy.

222 weight loss affirmations

These affirmations are designed to reprogram your mind and create a positive mindset around weight loss. Say adios to self-sabotage and hello to self-love as you effortlessly develop healthy habits and make nourishing choices. As you listen to these recorded affirmations, you'll feel a surge of motivation and determination, empowering you to make lasting changes in your life.

bonus: lose weight subliminal

As you listen to these subliminal affirmations, your mindset will naturally shift towards healthier choices and increased motivation. Say goodbye to self-sabotage and hello to a trimmer, fitter you. Embrace a new relationship with your body, boost your confidence, and witness the incredible results. Start your journey to a slimmer, healthier you today!