Have you ever heard of subliminal messages? You may have heard of them in the context of advertising or marketing, but they have a much broader application than just trying to sell products. Subliminal messages are hidden messages that are designed to be absorbed by the subconscious mind without conscious awareness. This means that they can have a powerful effect on our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors, even if we are not consciously aware of them.

The idea of subliminal messages has been around for decades, but it has recently gained renewed attention as people explore new ways to improve their lives and achieve their goals. The power of subliminal messages lies in their ability to bypass the conscious mind and directly influence the subconscious mind, which is responsible for our beliefs, habits, and behaviors. This means that subliminal messages can be a powerful tool for self-improvement, personal growth, and achieving success in all areas of life.


So how do subliminal messages work? One example is the use of positive affirmations that are repeated over and over again in a subliminal format. These affirmations are carefully crafted to be absorbed by the subconscious mind without conscious awareness, and they can have a powerful effect on our beliefs and attitudes. For example, if you want to improve your self-esteem, you could use subliminal affirmations that reinforce positive beliefs about yourself, such as "I am worthy of love and respect" or "I am confident and capable." Over time, these affirmations can help to reprogram your subconscious mind and change your beliefs about yourself, which can lead to positive changes in your life.


The power of subliminal messages lies in their ability to influence our subconscious minds in powerful and profound ways. By carefully crafting positive affirmations and visual cues, we can reprogram our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors, and achieve success in all areas of life. However, it's important to use subliminal messages in a responsible and ethical way, and to always keep our goals and intentions in mind. When used properly, subliminal messages can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-improvement, and they can help us to achieve our dreams and aspirations.


Subliminal meditations are a powerful tool for transformation and growth. They are a way to access the subconscious mind and reprogram it with positive affirmations and beliefs. Unlike traditional meditation, subliminal meditations use audio recordings that are designed to bypass the conscious mind and speak directly to the subconscious. This means that even if you're not actively listening to the recording, your subconscious is still receiving the messages and integrating them into your beliefs and behaviors.

The power of subliminal meditations lies in their ability to bypass the critical mind and access the subconscious directly. Our subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, so it's important to make sure that it's aligned with our conscious desires and goals. If our subconscious beliefs are limiting or negative, they can hold us back from reaching our full potential.


Subliminal audio recordings use statements of empowerment and they are just out of your hearing range so they are considered "pure subliminal" messages and they are an excellent self-help tool. All you do is listen to the music, binaural beats, ocean waves or other sounds and your subconscious mind automatically registers the life changing messages.  Because subliminal messages bypass your conscious, negative brain you are able to fully benefit from the messages. You can listen to them any time and any place, even while you're asleep, and they will help you rewire your stubborn negative beliefs the easy way!

By listening to subliminal meditations regularly, we can start to reprogram our subconscious with positive and empowering beliefs. For example, if you struggle with low self-esteem, you can listen to a subliminal meditation that is designed to boost your confidence and self-worth. The messages in the meditation will bypass your conscious mind and speak directly to your subconscious, helping to shift your beliefs and behaviors towards a more positive and confident outlook.

Another example of the power of subliminal meditations is in the realm of relationships. If you have a pattern of attracting toxic or unhealthy relationships, you can listen to a subliminal meditation that is designed to help you attract healthy and loving relationships. The messages in the meditation will help to shift your subconscious beliefs and behaviors towards attracting and maintaining healthy relationships.

Subliminal meditations can also be used to help with specific goals, such as weight loss or quitting smoking. By listening to a subliminal meditation that is designed to support your specific goal, you can start to shift your beliefs and behaviors towards a healthier and more positive lifestyle.

In addition to the practical benefits of subliminal meditations, there is also a deeply emotional and spiritual aspect to this practice. By accessing the subconscious and shifting our beliefs and behaviors, we can start to connect with our true selves and our deepest desires. Subliminal meditations can help us to uncover our purpose and our passions, and to live a life that is aligned with our authentic selves.


The power of subliminal meditations and the law of attraction is truly incredible. When we focus our minds and energy on our desires, we have the power to manifest them into reality. It's all about tapping into the power of our subconscious minds and channeling that energy towards our goals.

The Law of Attraction requires that you stay focused on the things you want to attract and requires that you shift your negative thought patterns to keep them focused positively on the target of your desire. Often times things happen that throw you off course and you find that negativity creeps in you can't bring yourself to fully concentrate on your goal and desire.   When you subliminally interject positive thoughts related to your desire it will help you stay positive and on the right track.

So if you want to attract love your conscious mind may want to go into a negative state basing your perceived outcome on your past experiences in love relationships.  Hearing positive affirmations such as: "love comes easily to me" or "I can have anyone I desire" or "I am a magnet for men so I can be selective" may fall in deaf ears IF your conscious brain cannot believe it to be true.  

However, when statements of this nature are imprinted on your subconscious mind it will reinforce your focus on that specific goal without conscious effort. In addition to listening to guided meditations where you actively visualize you’ll find subliminal messages reinforce your dreams and desires. Whether you meditate or not it doesn’t matter with subliminal messaging. You can just listen to the music anywhere, anytime and any place to benefit from the positive messaging.

your beliefs affect the outcome

Women I counsel sometimes express frustration because no matter how hard they try they cannot keep negativity from affecting what it is they would like to manifest. The reason? Because your conscious mind will override and rationalize the reason that you can’t have what it is you desire. Using LOA, that basically says that you must have the desire and belief in order to manifest, you may find your conscious brain working overtime to analyze and convince you otherwise. Remember, your beliefs have been stored and reinforced for a very long time but subliminal audios helps because the positive messages will eventually override those ingrained negative beliefs.

you must add action to the equation

The Law of Attraction allows you to attract into your life people, opportunities, relationships and situations that you have desired. But you also must act when presented with an opportunity! So if you have been trying to attract love but don't respond when your POI contacts you, or you decline an opportunity for a job interview when you want to attract more money, or you stay home rather than go to a function where you will meet new people and you desire a better social life  --   then you are essentially sabotaging yourself. You may find that subliminal audio meditations will make you more of an "action person" because it reinforces and strengthens your goal and changes your belief in yourself.  You can listen to the music without consciously being aware of the messages but they can absolutely reinforce, direct you and attract to you what you desire.

“To sum it up you must FOCUS on what you desire, BELIEVE you can have or achieve it and ACT on the opportunity when presented with it.”